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Dr Shaid Mahmood, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI))

Shaid MahmoodResponsibilities

The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)) leads and is accountable for the University’s strategy for equality, diversity, inclusion, respect and behaviours and is responsible for managing our EDI Unit. This involves working closely across our Colleges, Departments, Divisions and Research Institutes, with Durham Students’ Union and other student leaders, and external stakeholders and partners.

Priorities for the PVC-EDI include addressing gender equality, attracting and retaining a diverse community of staff and students, including from BAME and disabled communities, and embedding a culture of respect and inclusivity across the University.

Professional background and expertise

Previous to taking up his role at Durham, Shaid was the Chief Officer for Transformation and Change at Leeds City Council, working with the corporate leadership team to explore new ways of working to support the re-shaping of the organisation and services.

In addition to working with a wide range of systems leaders and partners, Shaid also contributes to several non-executive roles in education and sport. Shaid is Chair of the Luminate Education Group, Chair of the National Association of Colleges, and a trustee of the Leeds United Foundation.

In 2019, Shaid was awarded the ‘UK’s Most Inspiring Person of the Year 2019’ in the National Centre for Diversity’s annual awards and became their patron.

Education and qualifications

Shaid holds an undergraduate degree and master’s degrees from the University of Lancaster, a PhD in Polymer Chemistry from the University of Sheffield and an MBA from the University of Leeds.