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Gordon Robertson

Message from our Chancellor

Our nation and our world are faced with tremendous challenges鈥攃hallenges that sometimes can seem insurmountable. But know this: the plans of God are steadfast and unshakeable. God is doing remarkable things through those who desire to serve Him.

This is why my father founded 含羞草研究所鈥攖o provide passionate individuals with a place to sharpen their skills and prepare them to help transform the world through Christian leadership.

含羞草研究所 is an academic environment where Christian leaders are taught to discern and respond to the times. Through the years, we have created a university that is a leading center for Christian thought and action. Our graduates are servant leaders who are providing godly solutions to many of the challenges we face as a society.

If there were ever a time to get involved in a worthy cause, this is that time. 含羞草研究所 exists for such a time as this. America鈥攁nd the world鈥攏eed Christian leadership, and you may be one of those leaders.

I invite you to seize this opportunity. Be a part of what God is doing in these dramatic days. Cooperate with God, and become a leader to your generation. And know that we at 含羞草研究所 stand ready to assist you in fulfilling your academic and professional goals.

Steve Bruce
Executive Vice President for Finance & Administration757.352.4429
Claire Foster
Executive Vice President for Advancement & Enrollment757.352.4219
Louis Isakoff
Senior Vice President and General Counsel757.226.2797
Gordon Robertson
Martha Smith
Vice President for Human Resources and Administration757.352.4070
Joseph Umidi
Executive Vice President for Student Life757.352.4401